sábado, noviembre 11, 2017


Julian Richards, 2003

Erno Goldfinger 1968-72

The Warwick Crescent Site
Hubert Bennett 

The Warwick Crescent Site was developed in four phases, the first two of which became the Warwick Estate. Woodchester Square, approved in 1961, consisted of two 21-storey towers (Princethorpe & Wilmcote Houses); and Bourne Terrace, approved in 1962, which consisted of one 21-storey tower (Gaydon House)

The latter two phases, both on the Brindley Road Site, later became known as the Brindley Estate. The first, approved in 1963, consisted of two 21-storey towers (Oversley & Polesworth Houses); and the final phase, approved in 1966, consisted of one 21-storey tower (Brinklow House)

sábado, noviembre 04, 2017


Stanley Donen, 1963

Sede de la UNESCO en París - 1953/57

Arquitectos: Marcel Breuer, Pier Luigi Nervi, Bernard H. Zehrfuss

El edificio, destinado a secretariado, tiene forma de Y. Su ala norte, de forma curva, cierra la plaza de Fontenoy; el ala sur se abre hacia una nueva plaza limitada por el edificio destinado a la celebración de conferencias. [...]

Pier Luigi Nervi - Construcciones y proyectos
Editorial Gustavo Gili, S. A., Barcelona. MCMLVIII
pgs. 110-123