domingo, marzo 29, 2020


The Spierig Brothers, 2009


Designed by famous Australian architect Harry Seidler, the main objective was to develop a significant building on an important parcel of riverfront land. It would be his last major project.
The outcome was the first dramatic expression of changing use in a high-rise building in Australia. Riparian Plaza has become an architectural landmark that set the benchmark in architectural expression, construction engineering, environmental design and innovative smart technology.
Riparian Plaza is the first multi-purpose building accommodating both office and residential vertical sectors is unique in Australia. The name ‘riparian’ is derived from Latin origins meaning ‘on or pertaining to the riverbank’.
With its 45 degree orientation to the waterfront , Riparian Plaza is perfectly designed to parallel the Brisbane River and to preserve and promote views from all working and living spaces. Completed in October 2005, Riparian Plaza stands at an impressive 250 metres.

Harry Seidler nació en Viena el 25 de junio de 1923. Tras la invasión alemana de Austria, huyó a Londres, y de allí a Canadá y Estados Unidos, países donde estudió Arquitectura. Llegó a Australia en 1948 y fue el primer arquitecto que aplicó allí los principios de la Bauhaus de Walter Gropius y Marcel Breuer. Falleció el jueves 9 de marzo

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